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LookinupOur friend came to visit from New York and we decided to take her to see a few redwoods. We know to truly see the redwoods in all their glory you have to go WAY far north, but we didn’t have time for that. We went to Armstrong Woods near Guerneville. Lucky for us, our friend is from NYC, so it’s ALL nature to her!

Actually, it was a very lovely day. Caira walked the trails with us, until we were told dogs couldn’t walk on the trails-ooops. We can’t help it that we ALL missed the sign, can we? Here’s a shot of me and Caira playing in the knots:

MandCredwoodsI think the pine forest was really easy on her feets…she kept trying to pull us faster! I’ll bet if she had been off-leash we would have lost her to the pines.

InsprWe later met up with some friends in Jack London Square at Heinhold’s first and last chance. If you’ve never been there, it’s really quite a treat. Caira sat outside and got her ears scratched by EVERYONE! We met a very large brindle pit there who spent the whole time talking to her-literally! We couldn’t stop laughing as he kept saying “arooooo-arooooo-oooooo-oooooo. oooooo-oooooo-rawroooooo” It was seriously like a speech he had prepared. His dad kept saying “can’t we just sit here and enjoy a nice cup of beer?” ha! The bartenders are really nice there too. They always have fresh water on the patio for dogs and come out with treats! Talk about Caira finding her new true love! Blast that I didn’t have a camera to take a picture of that!


   jakesmom wrote @ November 22nd, 2009 at 5:08 pm   

Wow! That sounds like a lovely outing! Wish I lived closer to you all!!!!

How is Caira feeling these days?

Angel Jake’s Mom

   jerry wrote @ November 22nd, 2009 at 7:23 pm   

Awww you guys, the redwoods are our old stomping grounds! What a beautiful day it looks like you had. Nothing like getting out there and smelling that sweet duff and redwood trees!

   cairasue wrote @ November 22nd, 2009 at 7:37 pm   

I know…you just smell those redwoods and feel like you are home, don’t you?
Caira has 4 mets now. Every now and then she wakes up with a bit of a cough, but that’s all we’ve noticed. We are trying not to worry ourselves, we realize we are on a journey that only has one outcome. We just really want to make sure she has a great time while she’s here. Also, she’s become quite the socialite and that has made it great to talk to kids about how you can do anything even when life takes something away. I love it when kids want to talk to Caira, they have the best questions ever! Caira’s strength is amazing.

   Peyton’s Path wrote @ November 22nd, 2009 at 8:27 pm   

Caira may have a new boyfriend?!?! Sounds like a fun adventure. Caira is not just a dog she’s a tripawd so she should have been allowed on the trails!!!

   cairasue wrote @ November 22nd, 2009 at 8:31 pm   

….truth be told, I think Caira Sue finds a new boyfriend about once a week! You know how stars are! Love em til the next good thing comes along!
Any you’re right! She’s NOT just a dog! Silly park rangers!

   shiloanne wrote @ November 22nd, 2009 at 9:01 pm   

Looks like Caira had as amazing time!! I have been through there a couple times, man it is beautiful!! BTW Caira you have a nice set of ears too… 🙂

   jack crowder wrote @ November 23rd, 2009 at 7:22 pm   

Oh man!!! we love Armstrong Woods!!! We’re going on Thanksgiving day, it is such a special place.
Caira is one girl that gets around!
It smells so good up there and it’s also very quiet and peaceful and amazing.
Have a great Thanksgiving and tell the “Star” Shelby says Hi!

   krun15 wrote @ November 24th, 2009 at 8:16 am   

Makes me miss the north coast- Do they only put water in the dishes? Mag used to enjoy the occasional lap of Guinness, she really likes the foam!

Next time tell the rangers if they want Caira to stay off the trails they need to put the signs at eye level for her- otherwise how would she know?
Karen and the pug girls

   mitch wrote @ November 30th, 2009 at 12:44 pm   

What a beautiful girl, and she looks so happy.

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