by cairasue on October 26, 2009 at 7:33 pm · Filed under Uncategorized
So, this weekend Caira had a great time playing and swimming with her BFF, Codie Rae. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my camera, so I didn’t get pix. Hopefully, Codie Rae will put some up for us!
These pictures are from today. We went to the trail and played a little ball. The wind is howling and the clouds are rolling. It feels like a great fall day in Northern California. Caira Sue had a great time running after her ball. I can tell she self-regulates a little more. Whereas she used to run continuously after Sammy (the neurotic, psychotic terrior that belongs to my father-in-law), she tends to sit more. She happily sits though! She wags her tail and chews her ball, with her head in the air and great big Caira smile! She loves the wind as much as her mom does.
Neurotic, Psychotic Terrior: Sammy
We are living it up, every day. Good food (yes, lots of fruit with her salmon and chicken!) and plenty of fun chasing balls and playing tug with her rings. And of course, hours of endless belly rubs and ear scratches!
Happy Monday, everyone!
by cairasue on October 18, 2009 at 1:10 pm · Filed under Uncategorized

Come on! Throw the ball already!
Thank you to everyone for supportive comments and messages! You all have no idea how much it helps! Last night I said “you are right, Jerry. Thank you.” There is no way to know how long a lung met will stay there, not growing or multiplying. If it weren’t for the study we are on, we probably would never know. Caira Sue certainly doesn’t act sick. And our finances certainly wouldn’t support monthly x-rays and such!
And Tazzie, we love our new nicknames! I’ve told my whole family how I now have a fruitbat! They get such a kick out of it. Oh, Caira Sue eats like a queen, she does! To answer your question, we will be continuing the Gemzar inhalation study drug. We won’t be adding anything else to her on the chemo spectrum. She continues to eat the best of the best and get her supplements.
Eve and Romeo, you are right about Caira’s spirit! She is such an incredible creature. If she weren’t the best damn dog out there, it wouldn’t be so heart wrenching!

So we are doing the best we can with what we have. Living one day at a time, as Jerry told us to do! Lot’s of treatment of Caira’s spirit and soul. Which, of course, means swimming, running and chasing balls! Funny enough, somehow that treats our souls too, doesn’t it? I didn’t have my camera (can you believe it?!?) so these are just a couple shots from my phone. We went back to Sherman Isl. today to play on the beach. I thought it might be too chilly for a swim, but Caira did not! She was diving right in there! Now we have a very sandy, very happy dog. And no, Shelby, we never told her about the mets and have no intention of telling her!
by cairasue on October 17, 2009 at 10:05 pm · Filed under Uncategorized
Haven’t posted for awhile. I started a new job, and then went on a trip to visit my sister in Maine. My husband took Caira Sue for her 3 month check up this week. And well, she has a lung mets. One. I guess that’s all. Been trying to search the forums to determine how long each dog lived after being diagnosed with mets. Haven’t really found my answer. She seems fine. It’s me who’s crushed. yes, yes…I knew it was coming. Still not easy to hear.