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Archive for November 14, 2009

November Tripawd Party

CairaandTravisCaira Sue made a couple new friends today. Here she is with Travis Ray. Let me tell you about Travis Ray.


He is in the German Shepherd Rescue and needs a home. He’s an 11 month old, absolutely beautiful guy with the best disposition. I saw him play gently with a little dog and around kids. He was really great.

TravisandlildogAnyway, we made friends with another tipawd as well, Maggie. She’s the tiniest tripawd I’ve ever met! She has her own chariot to take her to parties!

MaggieWe didn’t think Maggie was going to explore much, given her propensity to lay about in sunbeams, but this girl went on a little adventure across the grass to go meet some new people too!

shelby loves ballsShelby girl loves her balls. Here she’s doing a little dance to grab one from her dad. At one point this beautiful petite princess has 7 tennis balls around her! She’s amazing! Oh yeah, and there’s Travis Ray working the public. Off to the right you see this terrier mix who came to meet us, but really just barked a lot.

ShelbyandadSpeaking of Shelby, I had to put this picture in of her running with her Dad! Check out those ears! She’s a happy girl!

CairarestingResting. Ain’t she purty?

WhoaWe wanted to put the biggest and littlest tripawd together. I think Cemil is 140# and Maggie is 18#. I love the look on Maggie’s face as she looks up at Cemil, “Whoa!!” Also, check the paws out, too cute!

someone's missingWe were trying to get all the tripawds to line up. Ok, I have 12 pictures of this idea! But I love this one. There’s 4 in place, and it’s so clear Cindy is saying “Shelby should go right HERE.”

IMAG0025Ok, so here’s the real lineup. Cemil, Shelby, Maggie, Caira Sue and Travis Ray. Oh yeah, and a few Parents in there too!

Mary's kidsThis is all Mary’s kids. Cemil did a few loops of the park-he was a regular politician, making sure he spoke to everyone there! I won’t try to spell the other two’s names…look for that in the comments section! Just know that she’s the tiniest tripawd owner, with the biggest tripawd! And all her dogs are very nice to hang out with.

AdamandChuckJust ask Adam!

heading across the parkAnother shot of the park and Mary’s kids.

Shelby's wagonThis is what it looks like when it’s time to leave. Isn’t this great? Shelby rides in her little wagon while her servents pull her and lug all her belongings! I love the tail hanging off the back!

Thanks everyone for such a great day in the park!