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Archive for November 22, 2009


LookinupOur friend came to visit from New York and we decided to take her to see a few redwoods. We know to truly see the redwoods in all their glory you have to go WAY far north, but we didn’t have time for that. We went to Armstrong Woods near Guerneville. Lucky for us, our friend is from NYC, so it’s ALL nature to her!

Actually, it was a very lovely day. Caira walked the trails with us, until we were told dogs couldn’t walk on the trails-ooops. We can’t help it that we ALL missed the sign, can we? Here’s a shot of me and Caira playing in the knots:

MandCredwoodsI think the pine forest was really easy on her feets…she kept trying to pull us faster! I’ll bet if she had been off-leash we would have lost her to the pines.

InsprWe later met up with some friends in Jack London Square at Heinhold’s first and last chance. If you’ve never been there, it’s really quite a treat. Caira sat outside and got her ears scratched by EVERYONE! We met a very large brindle pit there who spent the whole time talking to her-literally! We couldn’t stop laughing as he kept saying “arooooo-arooooo-oooooo-oooooo. oooooo-oooooo-rawroooooo” It was seriously like a speech he had prepared. His dad kept saying “can’t we just sit here and enjoy a nice cup of beer?” ha! The bartenders are really nice there too. They always have fresh water on the patio for dogs and come out with treats! Talk about Caira finding her new true love! Blast that I didn’t have a camera to take a picture of that!