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My dog’s a cleptomaniac!!

We went to Petfood Express yesterday for a bath. They have the greatest system for bathing dogs….raised tubs and a choice of shampoo. Hair dryers. I like to go there because I can leave all the cleaning up to them!

On the way in, we passed a stand of pig’s ears. Caira Sue popped one right out of the stand and in front of her! She’s NEVER done that before!

I put it back and continued to the register to get my towels and token for the bath. Bath given, dog is clean and smells fresh.

Of course afterwards we walk around the store to look for treats and see what’s new. Caira likes to look for places where bags may have inadvertantly popped open and spilled a few kibble. She’s always cleaning up for the staff!

We pass by another aisle with little rawhide sticks…the kind for chihuahuas. She took one of those for half an aisle! What! She usually ignores these things!

We walk over to help my father-in-law who is trying to fit his neurotic terrior into a new harness. Insanity ensues (that’s not unusual if the neurotic terrior is involved). The staff don’t care about the terrior, they are busy oooooing and aaaaaing over Caira Sue. She got plenty of treats for doing next to no tricks.

We go to pick up a cat toy–all of a sudden I notice Caira Sue has a pig’s ear! Where did she get the pig’s ear?!?! TWO AISLES AWAY! She’s not chewing it-like she knows it’s not hers…she’s just carrying it!

My dog is an official cleptomaniac. 3 times in one trip, when she’s never done this before. And yes, I bought her a treat for the ride home anyway. I’m such a sucker.

I don’t have any pictures of her stealing items from the store, so here’s an artsy one my friend took of her in the redwoods.



   jakesmom wrote @ November 30th, 2009 at 3:49 pm   

But she’s such an adorable cleptomaniac!!! Too bad you didn’t have your camera with you. From now on… you must bring your camera with you whenever you take CairaSue out for an adventure… Cause we all wanna see!!!!

So, how has she been feeling lately? Sounds like she’s doing pretty well… and enjoying every minute of her life!! That’s the way to do it!!!

Angel Jake’s Mom

   peyton’s path wrote @ November 30th, 2009 at 5:12 pm   

Cool picture! The last time my mom took Dillon and I in for a bath we also were stealing everything we could get our mouths around. The place we went puts treats low on purpose for dogs like us and suckers like my Mom! Good thing you are cute Caira Sue, you still got a treat for the ride home!!!

To respond to your comment about me riding many bikes, I don’t , but my Dad rides his to work every day. Guess where he works across the street from the Rialto. I will have to ask him about the art work. In one of my previous posts we took a picture in front of my Dad’s work (across from the Rialto)! What a small world!!! Maybe we will find the artwork and take pictures in front of them and post them on our blog!!!!

   jack crowder wrote @ November 30th, 2009 at 6:53 pm   

She is soooo cute, she knows she can get away with anything and everything and usually does!

Man, I am so glad Shelby’s not the only one who “samples” the goods in the treats aisle!

   shiloanne wrote @ November 30th, 2009 at 10:42 pm   

Oh Caira Sue… You sneaky little girl… That is awsome, she totally did that to bring a smile to Shilo Anne’s momma.. And boy did it work!! Thanks Caira Sue!! 🙂

   Codie Rae wrote @ November 30th, 2009 at 11:25 pm   

You Go Caira Sue! Work it girlfriend! Play to the crowd, let them think you are a cute little cripple girl and rake in those treats!

Mom won’t let me have pigzear. She says they are gro-t., whatever that is. Mmmm, pigzear, you lucky grrrrl.

Codie Rae

   cairasue wrote @ November 30th, 2009 at 11:32 pm   

Codie Rae, Caira Sue got not one pig’s ear out of the whole deal! We don’t do pig’s ears cuz we knew they had something bad, but we leave the names up to smart sciency people like your mom!

   wyattraydawg wrote @ December 1st, 2009 at 9:58 pm   

Caira Sue, you are T.R.O.U.B.L.E!!!!

   Opie wrote @ December 2nd, 2009 at 11:47 pm   

Caira Sue you are my hero. When I go in to one of those dog supermarkets I am so overwhelmed that I can’t even decide. You just take what you want. I am going to do that next time I am in Cold Spot Feed. Then my mom will buy me the treats I grab…wooooowhooooo. Cleptos Rock!

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