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Who needs 4 legs?

good day at the beachWe went to Dillon beach today. Who can keep their girl away from the water after such an ordeal. Oh my! Did she have a blast! Only one episode where she dove a little hard on the right and squealed (heart pounding moment) on the water’s edge, but she brushed it off true Caira Sue style and after an enforced 5 minute break, was ready to dive in again!

Here’s a great shot of her leaping-3 weeks after surgery! Yay! I love the sand kick-up in the pix.


At one point we had 5 dogs on our blanket hanging out with Adam-talk about Dr. Doolittle! I was worried about how she would do socializing. I had honestly forgotten how deep her playful bark is! So, we had the same normal issues of “oh my! is your dog mad?” and “no-she’s having a grand time and trying to get your dog to chase her!” ha!

oh yeah

Of course it ended with a good pat down from her Poppa. We stopped in Petaluma on the way home to get a treat and something to give Caira Sue half a pain pill in on the way home (starting to look a little sore). But by the time we got home she was happier than ever. Now she’s sighing and sleeping next to me. We count today as a success!



   romeo2 wrote @ August 14th, 2009 at 9:44 pm   

Dear Caira Sue, We are new to the site. Romeo
is scheduled to have his surgery on Monday.
We just wanted to say your posts are so inspiring! Informative and heartfelt. It’s really helped us to read them. You can tell Caira Sue has great spirit and she’s so cute!
Thank you, Romeo and family

   admin wrote @ August 15th, 2009 at 11:59 am   

Beautiful post… Reminds me of our first trip to Samoa beach with Jerry about a month post-amp. Thanks!

   cairasue wrote @ August 17th, 2009 at 9:41 am   

I will be thinking of you all day today. I had the same thing happen. I ran accross Nova’s blog and it really inspired us! I found it long before I found figure!
The first week will be the hardest, but it will get so much better after that! Just remember to keep your family positive around Romeo, it really does make a difference!

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