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Beautiful Days

Pop and Caira

I haven’t been on to post in awhile. It seems I’m having difficulty with the tripawds page. We all know Jerry is workin on this, so hopefully I will have a good solution soon.

Caira Sue has been doing really well. Her enlarged lymph node was a reactive hyperplasia from the surgery. Basically, not cancer. BIG sigh of relief!

The past 3 days she has been a hoot! She has more energy than she has had in 2 or 3 months. Yesterday she jumped up (paw on shoulder) and kissed Adam when he came home. He almost cried! He said he knows he’s not supposed to let her do it, but it’s one of those things he loves about her, and she hadn’t done it for a month before the surgery. Now here she is, greeting her Poppa again!Here’s a pix of her in her “swimsuit model” pose…


She’s our little go-getter. She was a star at the clinic, everyone came to greet her-whether they were prior friends or not. She was just glowing and I think everyone likes to see someone who is doing that well.

The behavioral issue (turning her head to the side) seems to be subsiding. The oncologist had never seen a dog do that before and told me to watch her. So that’s what we do! We watch.

She has had 2 chemo treatments now. She seems to be doing well. I think it makes her a little tired, so we did the 2nd one at night so she could “sleep it off” and it seemed to do the trick. Just a little fyi for any others thinking of doing inhalation chemo!Chemo Set-up

Next week Caira Sue is going to be adventure dog! We are going to go see Auntie Christine in Kingman, AZ and then off to camp in either southern Utah or Colorado-depending on a few factors. Either way, we are driving and we are camping! Wahoo! Get ready for cool pix.


   admin wrote @ August 13th, 2009 at 7:52 pm   

The driving and camping adventure thing is something we can totally relate too. If you make it anywhere near Lake City, CO we’ll have to hookup at Vickers Ranch!

   Codie Rae wrote @ August 13th, 2009 at 8:27 pm   

OOOH Caira Sue, you should absolutely head to Colorado and meet Wyatt Ray (Rene and Jim are pretty cool too)! He is the best boy toy ever! I am sure that because you are another cute girldog with a double name that he will just totally roll over for you!

We will wait to have the East Bay tripawd pawty until you get back….which will be when exactly?

Codie Rae

p.s.I am soooo glad you are doing so well, go get ’em girlfriend!

   jerry wrote @ August 14th, 2009 at 11:00 am   

Once we’re Tripawds, our pawrents usually let us get away with pretty much anything! Haha! So jump all you want Caira Sue, life’s too short not to have a blast!

   admin wrote @ August 14th, 2009 at 11:41 am   

Sorry, I missed your first note there … Can you please explain the difficulties your having in our Technical Support forum? We’d love to help, if we knew what was going on. Be sure to tell us of any errors you’re getting and what broswer your using (If IE, please try Firefox.).

   cairasue wrote @ August 14th, 2009 at 9:40 pm   

Hi Mr. Admin! I actually did post on the technical support-but sometimes it takes me awhile to get to the forums depending on what internet connection I’m on. I have the same trouble on IE, firefox and safari. I have done all the tricks that were listed on the forum as far as clearing the cache and adding the site in under security. I have the java script enabled. It’s really very bizarre. Anyway, I will try to keep looking on the forum-and thanks!

   cairasue wrote @ August 14th, 2009 at 9:42 pm   

Thanks, Codie Rae!
I will probably be back the 25th or 26th of August. That’s the plan. We like to have loose plans! If we go to CO, then we will make it a point to go meet Wyatt Ray! (oh, and Jim and Rene!)
Thanks for the cheers!

   admin wrote @ August 15th, 2009 at 11:26 am   

I have the same trouble on IE, firefox and safari.

And what trouble might that be? If you can explain, we might be able to help. Are you getting onscreen errors? If so please copy them and feel free to email them to us directly. If not, any other details you can provide may help us fix the issue.

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