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Views from Caira Sue’s house

DSC02987Chicken basted rawhide, Yum.

DSC02988Polly, Poppa, Caira Sue and the bone.

1226091627Rescue kitten, Pirate George. Arrr.

IMAG0093A good cuddle with Poppa.


   Nova wrote @ December 31st, 2009 at 7:46 am   

Where’s the beef trachea!? You can’t have Christmas without beef trachea! Haha…. love the pictures!

   jakesmom wrote @ December 31st, 2009 at 7:57 am   

She is such a sweetheart… Love her pirate kitty too!!! Caira Sue looks happy to be cuddling with her daddy… Is she a daddy’s girl?

Angel Jake’s Mom

   maggie wrote @ December 31st, 2009 at 8:17 am   

Love the sleepy time picture 🙂

Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

   admin wrote @ December 31st, 2009 at 10:40 am   

Beautiful moments to treasure! Kitty says … did somebody say Treasure?!? 😉

   ldillon81 wrote @ December 31st, 2009 at 11:19 am   

Oooo! Pirate George and Captain Jack!!! I think we’re on to something here… Love the pics, Miss CS. Are you trying to do Yoga in the second picture? Looks strangely like downward facing dog to me 🙂

   Peyton’s Path wrote @ December 31st, 2009 at 12:46 pm   

Caira Sue,

We were finally able to catch up on your blog and you have a beautiful family. We are very sorry about your favorite kitty. We know exactly how you are feeling. Hopefully all those tennis balls will cheer you up! I received a package in the mail on Tuesday with 9 Chuck-It balls and a couple Chuck-It Frisbees. It helps keep my mind off the sad! Keep up on your fun happy adventures, they make my pawrents and I smile!

Lots of Licks,
Dillon (Peyton’s brother)

   Codie Rae wrote @ January 2nd, 2010 at 5:35 pm   

Wow! Caira Sue! You do snuggle!
Wouldn’t have never believed it if you hadn’t posted that cute picture with your poppa! Tell ya a secret…..I like snuggling with my papa too! Can I have your pirate kitty? Too cute!


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