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Archive for December 17, 2009

Really? At 1 am?

I just finished baking pumpkin bread to bring to the vet tomorrow. Yes, I baked pumpkin bread for the UC Davis vet…wouldn’t you? We’ve had 5 amazingly awesome months with our girl. He deserves a bit of pumpkin bread. Anyway, this isn’t about the bread. Or the vet. It’s about how I climbed into bed to go to sleep when Caira started staring at me. Intensely. Staring. at. me. I said “you gotta go out?” (even though she just went out) nope. still staring. “your water is right there, you already ate dinner, what do you want?” Staring. Then tail wagging. Giddy tail wagging. (is that possible? you all know what I mean).

I couldn’t figure it out. Maybe she heard the rescue kittens getting into something. Sigh. I got out of bed and opened the bedroom door.

Whoa! Excitement! Caira is dancing her way towards the kitchen. Spinning, Tailwagging, excitement. “Caira, it’s 1 am, what is going on?” I tried to get her to go out the back door. nope. I gave her a snack. Yum, that was nice. Staring. Giddy tail wagging. Then she jumped around in a circle and grabbed her rings. OH yes! Caira Sue wants to play tug at 1 am.

Mind you, all evening she slept on the bed while I was AWAKE. Now that I want to go to bed, she’s playing tug with her rings. Sigh. Yes, you got it. I played with those rings for about 2 minutes. Then I gave her a bone to chew on.

I’m not wrapped around anyone’s finger. Or paw. Or whatever. Sigh. Ok, maybe a little bit wrapped.