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Caira Sue’s Poppa’s First Post of Playful Puppy Pictures!

So, I’ve been dragging my feet about posting on here..

Probably because of all the craziness and stress of..well…being Caira Sue’s Pop.

That is, Until now..until I felt….MUST POST PUPPY PICTURES!!

Am I “Keeping up with the Jones'” ? Heck Yes I am!


First, here we have Caira Sue and her Foster Sister, Madison.

Then we have Caira Sue the Rez Dog..Chompin’ on a Rawhide,while lying on a hose.  Before you ask, yes, she had a real bed.

Next, Caira Sue snoozing in the back of my old 1969 Jeep Wagoneer…

Can you tell that I’m trying to win the cutness vote…?

Caira Sue and her hiking partner in the High Desert Plateau in Arizona…

Caira Sue & her Poppa…..

     I doubt I’m the only person to get overcome with a flood of mixed emotions while going through old Puppy Pictures.  I’m thankful for every adventure and misadventure I’ve had the honor to share with my girl.  I’ll post more soon, maybe even tomorrow…but right now, I’m going to go lie down and relish the fact that I won’t have any sheets, or room for my legs in bed…Thanks to Caira Sue.


   jakesmom wrote @ January 20th, 2010 at 5:41 am   

I loved all the puppy picturs!! Caira Sue was so adorable!! Of course, she still is!!

Angel Jake’s Mom

   krun15 wrote @ January 20th, 2010 at 8:50 am   

Way to go Adam!!! Rez dogs rock!!

Who’s Jones? I thought we were trying to keep up with Cemil…

And I’m working on it, and yea a little catch in the throat when looking at the beginning…

Karen and the pug girls

   cemil wrote @ January 20th, 2010 at 11:22 am   

Oh, how cute she was as a baby! Those are great pictures–thanks for sharing them, Adam. I’m really enjoying this..

   admin wrote @ January 20th, 2010 at 1:52 pm   

Perfect. First. Post. What a cute pup indeed.

   jack crowder wrote @ January 20th, 2010 at 7:33 pm   

Wow, what great pictures, she’s been a cutie since she was little kid. Thanks for sharing!

I think this is the first time there is not a tennis ball in the picture with Caira Sue.

Shelby, the P.P.

   Mackenzie's Mom wrote @ January 20th, 2010 at 7:56 pm   

Such adorable puppy pictures! I don’t blame you for wanting to lie down and relish the fact that you won’t have any sheets or room for your legs – isn’t that the best feeling in the world?

   Peyton’s Path wrote @ January 21st, 2010 at 5:46 pm   

Wonderful pictures! You were a cute baby, but you are still cute! My Mom has been really emotional looking at old puppy pictures of Peyton! It is fun to remember all the goods and bads of growing up! He was a perfect dog so I’m sure you won’t find any of those naughty pictures of him only me 🙂 ! Keep enjoying Caira Sue she is awesome!!!


   Dash wrote @ January 22nd, 2010 at 10:22 pm   

Great pictures! My favorite is the one of Caira Sue laying on the hose. Too cute!!

Dash and Melinda

   ldillon81 wrote @ January 23rd, 2010 at 8:23 am   

I think Caira Sue and Jack could have been puppy siblings. I don’t have any baby pictures of Jack, but he pretty much looked like her foster sister, but not as furry. I think that’s maybe why I took such a fondness to Miss CS – she reminded me so much of Jack. Love Ya!!!

   ThreeLeggedMax wrote @ March 7th, 2010 at 7:04 pm   

What a sweet puppy she was!

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