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Archive for January 5, 2010

Barney came to visit

As our new friend Jim said “My generation had Big Bird and Snuffleupagus who could easily kick Barney’s ass.” I think that explains it all.

So Barney is starting a tour across the World to see all tripawds, and to see who will tear which limb off first! Muah hahhahaha!

Barney came to our house first. In a coffee pot box. Really.DSC03009Since Barney is on a World Tour we decided to take him to Sherman Island. We posted a big part of Barney’s adventure on the killbarney website here:

But I couldn’t resist posting a few more pix. Here’s Barney trying to hide:

DSC03033Silly Barney. You can’t hide from a determined dog. See what happens when you hide?

DSC03051Caira did spend some time playing with her tennis balls. (see yesterday’s post). I think I heard Barney breathe a sigh of relief as Adam started burying balls on the beach and Caira was distracted enough to dig at them instead of Barney!

DSC03039Here’s Barney enjoying a few minutes of relaxation.

DSC03035Ooops…this is what happens when you take a break:


Great flying Barneys!!!!

DSC03071Where oh where will Barney land after this?????

Jumpin Caira Sues

DSC03047Caira Sue hasn’t been feeling well since Christmas. She’s been on a few short trips about town, but this was the first trip to play in over a week. We went to one of her favorite places, Sherman Island. And like always, we had the place to ourselves. Wahoo!

DSC03042I like this picture. It makes her look like a cartoon character-all head, with a tiny body!

We took a drive in the country so Caira could smell her cows. She looooooves to stick her head out the window and sniff her some cow. Oh yeah.

DSC03012DSC03015The other day Caira Sue was at the pet store and begged for a 24″ Bully stick. Caira Sue has never had a 24″Bully stick. She’s never shown interest in 24″ Bully sticks. I personally think she took a look at Nova’s christmas pictures while I was at work one day and got jealous. Oh, if Nova can have a 24″ Bully stick, so can I! So here she is, trying to eat a 24″ Bully stick. Oh, and that’s the rescue kitten Polly on the other end. Polly hero-worships Caira and wishes she were a dog. She’s always copying Caira!
