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Barney came to visit

As our new friend Jim said “My generation had Big Bird and Snuffleupagus who could easily kick Barney’s ass.” I think that explains it all.

So Barney is starting a tour across the World to see all tripawds, and to see who will tear which limb off first! Muah hahhahaha!

Barney came to our house first. In a coffee pot box. Really.DSC03009Since Barney is on a World Tour we decided to take him to Sherman Island. We posted a big part of Barney’s adventure on the killbarney website here:

But I couldn’t resist posting a few more pix. Here’s Barney trying to hide:

DSC03033Silly Barney. You can’t hide from a determined dog. See what happens when you hide?

DSC03051Caira did spend some time playing with her tennis balls. (see yesterday’s post). I think I heard Barney breathe a sigh of relief as Adam started burying balls on the beach and Caira was distracted enough to dig at them instead of Barney!

DSC03039Here’s Barney enjoying a few minutes of relaxation.

DSC03035Ooops…this is what happens when you take a break:


Great flying Barneys!!!!

DSC03071Where oh where will Barney land after this?????


   admin wrote @ January 5th, 2010 at 11:52 pm   

Yesh! Where oh where, we wonder indeed… Don’t forget to jot a note in the journal to show where barney has been before sending him on his way.

   cairasue wrote @ January 5th, 2010 at 11:59 pm   

You forget who you are talking to! It’s hard to stop at a few sentences in a journal! No worries. Journal entry completed, in the box with Barney and a few treats for the journey. Added an ink pad so all tripawds could add a signature!

   jakesmom wrote @ January 6th, 2010 at 5:46 am   

The pictures are awesome!!! Wonder what Barney will look like in a couple of months, ha! ha!

Angel Jake’s Mom

   chuymaloney wrote @ January 6th, 2010 at 6:31 am   

We can’t wait to see where he lands next! Looks like Caira Sue had fun making him fly.

   krun15 wrote @ January 6th, 2010 at 8:20 am   

Silly Barney- purple things can’t hide on the beach.


   jerry wrote @ January 6th, 2010 at 11:57 am   

Oh my DOG I love to see Barney flying! Caira Sue, thanks for giving him a great sendoff, we can’t wait to see who’s next.

   Peyton’s Path wrote @ January 6th, 2010 at 3:42 pm   

Silly Barney! You think you can hide from Caira Sue? She can sniff out a tennis ball miles away, so I think she can find you no problem! Maybe she will spare you if there are tennis balls around! Have fun Caira Sue!!!


   jack crowder wrote @ January 6th, 2010 at 6:39 pm   

I can’t help it, everytime I see a picture of Caira Sue I get this big grin on my face! What a dog!

   Kami wrote @ January 6th, 2010 at 9:59 pm   

Hi Caira Sue – you are quite amazing and patient with that purple dinosaur. Did you hear him sing I Love you? You Love Me? Cause that’s what he was probably singing as you hurled him into the air. Great pictures! You are an amazing athlete too. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Mackenzie’s brother Kobe would have that purple dinosaur in pieces with stuffing coming out. Glad to see that you had more restraint!

   Emilysmom wrote @ January 7th, 2010 at 5:27 pm   

Had Barney visited Emily we could have send (parts of) him to many people!
Debra & Angel Emily

   Opie wrote @ January 7th, 2010 at 11:09 pm   

mmmmm…barney…numnumnumnum…I can’t wait to see where he goes! I hope he lasts a little while so we can see all of his adventures. Opie

   shiloanne wrote @ January 10th, 2010 at 12:16 am   

That is pawsome!! I could have seen Shilo Anne and Caira Sue having a great time catching Barney together… Glad to see you love your toys and play time just as much.. BTW that flying Barney pic is an amazing picture!!

Always… Shilo’s Mom

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